In collaboration with our partners for scanning and exposure, we specialize in digital restoration of old film and video material. After an appraisal of the material, we choose, together with you, the optimal stages for the processing. Based on the latest plugins for automatic processing, our first step is to correct image steadiness, scratches, stains and running tracks with Digital Vision Nucoda, and we perform a noise reduction. In the second step we eliminate the coarser image artifacts by hand and we mask the image.
In our grading studio we work on gradation, contrast and color and with great attention to details, we give the images their original visual appearance back or help them to get a new sophisticated look. Our long experience is then especially valueable, because it usually is about sensitive artistic decisions and an accurate implementation of the ideas of our customers. Likewise will the sound be carefully restored and mixed in 5.1 surround, upon request. Ultimately the end format will be a digital (DCP) or a 35mm film copy.
The economic efficiency is an important part of our offer proposal and we are happy to provide fixed prices.